About Us

Karantina UI is a Program established by Laskar UI to prepare 12th graders of SMA / equivalent and alumni who have dream of entering UI or other superior PTN in Indonesia through SBMPTN / SIMAK UI 2019 and other university independent examination with system intensive study and try out every morning for 30 days

The target of Karantina UI 2019 program is all students and alumni of SMA / equivalent throughout Indonesia who want to enter UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA, as well as other PTN.

If anyone wants to ask please contact us, or please fill out the online registration form for those of you who want to join the program of State University of Karantina UI.

Why Us

Experienced Teacher

Our teachers have experience in teaching material of State University entrance preparation.

Supportive Facilities

The facilities provided are the best and according to the needs of students of Karantina UI.

Creative Learning Method

Karantina UI creates creative and unique learning methods that allow students to learn optimally without any burden.

Affordable Cost

The facilities and teaching method that we provide are the best and can be enjoyed with affordable cost.

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